Tuesday, December 2, 2008

12-2-08: Twelfth Night Act 2 (B Days)

Writer's Notebook #6 was due today!

Today we started off with our punctual piece. We combined sentences using connecting words (like for, and, nor, but, or, so, yet). These words are also called conjunctions.

1. -I like cheese.
- I like you too.

2. -We wanted to go to the beach.
-It was too windy and stormy.

3. -My brother turned 18 last week.
-We all went out to dinner.

Notice the words "too" and "to." Remember "too" means also or a quantity of something (too much, too cold, etc.). An easy way to remember which one to use is say the sentence out loud--use the "too" vs. "ta" test.

Then several class members presented their research presentations.

Finally we read Twelfth Night Act 2!

After reading Act 2 we discussed the assignment we will be doing with Twelfth Night: A Personality File for one of the characters. Please look through the assignment sheet and the examples.

For Thursday:
1. BOOK REPORT IS DUE! 8 Postcards!!

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