Tuesday, December 16, 2008

12-16-08: Twelfth Night Test Review (B Days)

Today we turned in Punctual Pieces: (11/25, 12/2, and 12/4)

Then we compiled our Personality Files in the following order:
1. Cover
2. 3 Journal Entries
3. 3 Facebook Pages
4. Soundtrack
5. Rubric
6. Vocabulary Sheet

We shared them with a few people in the class and turned them in.

We talked through your assignment over Christmas Break: A Family Folklore Collection. This will be really fun--especially if you make it so. Choose to have fun with it, and it will be! Spend time with The Fam. Get to know them better. Remember. Preserve Memories! This assignment will be due on January 6th! (The Tuesday we come back from break.)

Next we reviewed for the Twelfth Night test next class. The review sheet will help you with the test, so use it to help you!

For Thursday:
1. Get ready for the Twelfth Night Test!
2. Prepare your note card to use on the test.

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