Monday, October 27, 2008

10-27-08: Introduction to Term 2 (A Days)

Today we discarded all of our old handouts/assignments from 1st Term. Except for 5! So be sure to keep these 5.
1. Disclosure Document (Yellow)
2. Umbrella of Success (White)
3. World Literature Reading List (Green)
4. Genre Characteristic Sheet for Fantasy, Sci Fi., and Romance (Green)
5. Reading Like a Writer (Yellow)

After getting rid of everything, we talked through our Term Calendar.

Then we talked about our Outside Reading Assignment for the term.

Next we talked about our Writer's Notebook Assignment for the term. With our writing assignment we practiced Reading Like a Writer with Sandra Cisneros's "My Name." We used a great strategy called "Says/Does." First we looked at what the piece said. Then we looked at what it did--by asking ourselves how the author creates the meaning.

For Wednesday:
1. Get your book for your outside reading assignment and bring it to class! That is worth 20 points!
2. Complete the Reading Like a Writer Chart we started in class for Cisneros's piece.

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