Thursday, November 6, 2008

11-6-08: Finish Folktales & Plan Marketing Campaign (A Days)

Today we started off with our punctual piece. In our punctual piece you determined if sentences were punctuated correctly. If they weren't, you added a comma where it needed to be!

1. The dawn was breaking when they got to the house.
2. When she lifts her foot to take a step, she no longer trusts the ground.
3. After that Thanksgiving Pop gradually sank as if he had a slow leak.
4. As if to take another reading of the girl's face I looked again into her eyes on my way out the door.
5. I was working on the roof when I heard someone shouting.

After that we finished looking at the characteristics of magazine ads and billboards.

Then you finished reading your folktales and turned in your reading responses.

Next we used a great vocabulary strategy in which you learn words in word groups to help you remember them.

If you finished with that, you started planning your marketing campaign. Remember next class is the last day in class you will have to work on it!

For Monday:
1. If you missed class, be sure to finish reading the folktales and all of the other things we did in class today--
especially the Vocabulary Strategy!
2. Remember to complete the Inquiry Sheet, to prepare for better planning and implementation of your marketing campaign.

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