Monday, November 17, 2008

11-17-08: Shakespeare Research

For the punctual piece you completed a KWL chart for your specific research topic. In the K column you wrote down what you already know or what you have heard. In the W column you wrote down what you want to learn. We will complete the L column next time so you can write down what you have learned.

Next we talked about finding valid sources. Remember wikipedia is a great place to find resources, but it cannot be used as a cited source because anyone can add things to wikipedia--so it may not be accurate. Also remember that generally .edu, .gov, and .org sites are more valid than .com sites, but not always. ( So be the information makes sense!

Finally we went to the library and began searching for four articles for our topic. We will be completing the Shakespeare Research Assignment in class next time, so be sure you bring your 4 printed articles to class with you!!

For Wednesday:
1. Complete Writer's Notebook #4
2. Bring 4 articles pertaining to your Shakespeare topic with you to class

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