Tuesday, September 2, 2008

9-2-08: Collage Write (A Days)

Today we continued working on the 4 part assignment we started last class. This assignment is called the Collage Write. The assignment sheet is a 1/2 blue sheet of paper. The first part was to complete the following statement: "To Me Writing is Like..." Then the second part was to make a collage: find images that represent how you feel about writing.

In class today we discussed the third and fourth parts. The third part is an L2 (level 2) written response in which you will explain the images you used on your collage. As it says on the assignment sheet, you may choose to focus on one image, two, or all of them. It's up to you. Your response will be graded on how thorough you are in your explanations.

Finally part 4 is a short written reflection (7-10 sentences). I want you to reflect on how completing parts one and two helped you clarify or better understand your feelings toward writing. Be thoughtful and evaluative of your thought process and feelings.

While you continued to work on these two parts or read the book you were to bring, I continued to chat with each of you individually about your goals for the term.

For Thursday:
Your Collage Write (all 4 parts) is due!
1. To Me Writing is Like... (5-6 sentences completing the simile)
2. Collage
3. L2 Write--explaining why you selected certain images and words to depict your feelings toward writing
4. Reflection-- (7-10 sentences): re-read step 1 (To Me Writing is Like..). How did finding images and words help you clarify or expand your feelings toward writing? Did any of your feelings change? Did you make any new realizations about how you feel about writing?

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