Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2-3-09: Sentence Fluency (A Days)

Today if you were in A1, we turned in our Punctual Pieces!

Next for our punctual piece we read two paragraphs and evaluated them for sentence fluency using the sentence fluency rubric.

Remember sentence fluency is not only about flow, but about variety. Good, effective sentences use a variety of sentence constructions--especially at the beginning of the sentence. Because starting sentences in the same way begins to feel monotonous and puts the reader to sleep!

After our punctual piece, just like last time we revised our essays for sentence fluency and completed the sentence fluency revision sheet. We turned in our essays and the sentence fluency revision sheet before the end of class.

For Thursday:
1. Don't forget your outside reading book!
2. Writer's Notebook #5 is due.

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